Friday, December 21, 2007

Tooth is now Teeth

Yep tooth number two is already showing. Less than a week and the little man now is getting his bottom two teeth. We moved on to Oatmeal cereal last night as well. Within a couple of weeks he will get to taste green beans, then peas..YUMMY. I will try to post some teeth pictures as soon as he lets me!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tooth Time

Kai cut his first tooth...yesterday morning I noticed he finally has his first tooth! I guess that means he can eat steak now!

We tried to get a photo of it but he kinda didn't like my fingers in his mouth and freaked out. O well it's only barely scrathing the surface we'll have to wait until it comes all the way in.


Friday, December 14, 2007


Kai is now a little over 5 months. Last weekend he decided that he likes sitting up. He can sit for a while..until he starts to lean back then it's over. He's also eating rice cereal every night, which has led to some stinky gas. Here are a few pics of him after the bath last night. He loves being bare foot so he can suck on his toes!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Two words Jack Ass

The boy loves his Jumperoo

Okay the quality is not very good, but what do you expect from my camera phone?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Rice Cereal

So last weekend we decided to try and give Kai some rice cereal. Good news is he ate it pretty well, bad news is it took him until Weds night to we are laying low on rice cereal. We cannot go through rotten egg belly boy another four days!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day

While most people get to stay home eat turkey, watch football and sleep in, some of us have to work. Don't get me wrong 6 hours of OT at our rate is not bad..but seriously...what kind of person comes down to the station to file a report on Thanksgiving? Of course we get about 5 different people coming in to file a complaint against officers. Happy Thanksgiving to you while you all enjoy your day think of us dealing with all the BS that is caused by wonderful families that think Thanksgiving is for getting drunk and beating your wife/neighbor or child.

And please mister "can I get my car out of impound on Thanksgiving" go home and come back when real people work...Monday.

To the girl who told us someone came into her locked house and stole her car keys...this piece of pie is for you...especially when you cancel the call hours later after finding the stolen keys in your house...where you left them..

To the family at the Indoor swap meet who got into a fight over sale it worth spitting on another man so he will put you in a choke hold?

To the lady who thought it was a great day to play frogger in the middle of traffic...for that you get to spend 72 hours in a psych ward...

The the guy who wanted a police report because he thought that a crime might be committed...

To the numerous citizens who cannot sort out their child custody issues so why not come down and bitch to us about something that we can't change...

So to all the wonderful citizens of Wilmington/San Pedro and Harbor City I would like to thank you for allowing me to miss my son on his first Thanksgiving...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bouncy Bouncy

Kai loves his jumperoo. He finally figured out how to bounce in it. He started day care and has been doing great..of course he takes hour and half naps for her! WTF?


Wow being off of work for 2 months nothing changes. It was like I was off of work for 2 days. I had the pleasure of coming back to work to somebody fighting one of my stop sign tickets. Here is an actual photo I took of the stop sign that a ton of people blow:

We are maybe 7 feet from them. It's a 3 way stop sign so nobody looks right. Yes I am talking about the stop sign that is at the end of our car...not the one across the street!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Only 2 days left

Wow I only have 2 days left until I go back to work! Well my 7 days of babysitting Kai had highs and lows. The first three days were a breeze...then Tues, Weds, Thurs hit. I knew he didn't feel well because he would be crying or eating the entire day...he hated all his toys...and stopped talking and needless to say it made for a long three days. He refuses to nap longer than 30 during those 30 mins I try to go to the bathroom and eat. Then Friday came along...he seemed a lot better in the morning..then after lunch we went to Uncle Scott's so hang out. It was a man date for Kai. We hung out with Scott and John and he began to talk talk talk...he wouldn't stop. So thankfully he is back to being talking Kai.

For the next four weeks I get to work the kitroom. I basically get to hand out all the fun toys we use at work and check them in. I also get to work the front desk..

I also learned it's not funny to say "boo" to a four month old..sometimes it scares them so much they scream cry. Sorry Kai

Friday, November 2, 2007

9 Days Left

Wow 9 days left until I head back to the FRONT DESK! least I'll have good stories...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Kai's First Post

C,wezkj kx mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnb’.

1/2 there

Well have way through my first day with Kai and so far so good. I was able to shower and eat lunch. The best part of the day so far is Nicole came home at lunch to breast feed him..wouldn't you know he poo'd! Yes so she got to change him!

I only have two hours until she gets home from to spend jumperoo time.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Chunkey Monkey

I finally received my Nutrisystem shipment. WTF! I tried a few things and they all tasted like crap. I already packed the box back up and am sending it back. I personally think I can loose the weight by counting calories..and now that I can kinda ride a bike and walk I have the ability to exercise. I'm going to start the 100 calorie diet...only eating food that is marked in 100 calorie packs...that way I can eat 12 of them! Seriously though I have lost 10 lbs since being home from surgery so I am on my way....


I have 8 hours until I officially take over Mom duties for more than 2 hours. Nicole heads back to work tomorrow so it's just me and the man. Greatest part is he didn't go #2 today. So that means he is going to drop a bomb on my watch. Can't wait! At least he kinda takes a bottle. So wish me luck...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rolling Over

Well Kai can officially roll over from his back to his stomach and get both of his arms out. So we now have to really pay attention to him. Nicole goes back to work thursday. YIKES. It's just the two of us for 9 days until he goes to day care. Not only that but Monday I start nutrisytem...I am going to be GRUMPY.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Wow he is officially 3 months old. I got him to kinda sorta take a bottle last night. We are getting down to crunch time because Nicole goes back to work in a little over 2 weeks. Yikes. Here are a few 3 month old pics. He is starting to roll over from his back to his stomach. Too bad he gets an arm caught and has no idea how to get it out. He also is able to go in his jumperoo more.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

3 months old

Kai is officially 1/4 year old. Lately he has forgotten how to suck. He refuses a bottle..unless Beth gives it to him. So our goal is to get him to take a bottle so when Nicole goes back to work I wont be in absolute hell.

3 weeks

3 weeks post op and i can only move my knee 90 degrees. The good news is I am able to walk on it...but I am not allowed because we have to make sure the new graft sets like a cake...hopefully at my next appt on the 17th he'll let me walk...we'll see. Tuesday I start pool therapy...not going to be fun getting into a bathing suit to rehab my knee.....

Monday, September 17, 2007

2 month check up

Everything went well..expect for shot time:




His weight and height were fine and we go back in a couple of months.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well so far so good after surgery..then again I've been on a high dose of vicadin for the past 48 hours. I'll find out exactly what happend weds on my follow up appt.. You see the Dr came to my hospital room the next morning..and all I remember is him pullling out my bloody drain from my knee and him telling me it was an extra long surgery...NICE. I wont use spell check so I can laugh at typing loaded. My knee is sore..and from I can see I have a 5 inch scar going down my knee. AWESOME. I would also like to thank God for giving me my period two days after surgery...all is not lost. I have lost about 11 lbs since starting my diest last week. Rock and Roll..or like they say in Chinatown..Wok and Roll...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well he just turned two months and his feet have decided to grow like weeds. He's just starting to hold his head up when he's on his tummy. He's still sleeping 8 hours a night and is finally starting to get the whole bottle thing.

Notice the hat is about to pop off.

Roger that mom


So I get a call today at 2:30pm telling me I am now scheduled for a allograf of my meniscus on my right knee on Thursday at 10:00am. Thanks for the short notice. I'm officially off of work for 5 weeks then my vacation month. So 9 weeks to get back healthy enough to be light duty. Hopefully after I am recovered I can finally run again!

More to follow

Work Work Work

Wow work has been super busy. Within 7 days my partner and I dealt with an 8 year old girl being kidnapped from school and a bomb threat at Home Depot. Why do people get pissed when you come on the PA and announce, "Attention Home Depot customers this is the Los Angeles Police Department, please evacuate the store immediately".

What I should have said was "You depot workers and shoppers, possible bomb in store, run your ass outta here!" It all worked out in the end...

We had another fatality at work of a child. A four year old was pushing her two year old sister in a stroller and was hit by a car. The two year old passed at scene. I'm not sure how close the parents were, but serisouly whats up with that?

Bottom line is slow down to the speed limit and be a defensive driver.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


So I guess I have gained some weight. We got a new scale and it has everything on it. Weight, body fat %, bone density % and water %. According to the scale I am morbidly obese...good lord. Not only that, someone I played soccer with was so kind to point out to my friends that there were actual players at the tournament that made ME look small. WTF? Even if you are thinking it keep it to yourself.

One of the main issues of the weight gain is not being able to run. That and eating too much! Seriously both my knees are killing me. I am going to have an MRI on my left knee this week. I might have torn my meniscus getting out of the car at work..and my right knee is still waiting for cadaver cartilage to arrive so I can get that one done. My right knee is going to have at least a 3 month recovery time. Hopefully I can get it done end of Oct. We'll see. Until then I'm going to have to cut my calories in halve. So stand by for me to be a bitch!

Kai is still not taking a bottle. Everyday he doesn't is a day closer to when Nicole has to go back to work...YIKES.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Vomit Comet

We have been tryng to get Kai to drink out of a bottle so we can have a life outside of boobie time and so when Nicole goes back to work I won't be meeting her in the parking lot for feeding sessions.

Tonight I was able to give him a bottle and burp him...Nicole decided he was still hungry..this is the end result:

Needless to say both of them had to shower together..and thankfully Maggie did not clean up the 3 huge drips of vomit on the floor...


Kai isn't huge on bathing by himself so we stuck him in with Nicole.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Again I'm a slacker

I have been a major slacker is super busy and all these darn soccer tournaments are killing my free time. I'm taking time off of knee is killing me. To the point that I might need to start taking pain meds just to get through the day.

Kai is getting big..well long. We went in on Thursday and he is already up to 10lbs 13 oz..but homeboy is LONG. I will post some bath pics of him tomorrow.he took a big girl bath...ha ha.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Well it took a little over 4 weeks but he finally was able to not only pee on us but he was also able to create a sprinkler out of his ass. Poor guy was loaded as well. I guess my work might be rubbing off on him. Here is his take on our 4 firearm safety rules:

1. All bowels are always loaded
2. Never allow your bowel to cover anything you are not willing to spray
3. Keep your finger on the bowel until you're sights are aligned on your moms
4. Be sure of your target

1st soccer game

Kai went to his first soccer game last night. Of course we forgot a camera to take pics. Like thats a surprise. He did great..we are warming him up for the big weekend next week when we head up to Ventura for the weekend, for his first tournament.

A typical goofy look:

Playing with his toys..well at least looking at them

Trying to bigger than the remote

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Weiners, Eyebrows and Cussing

Wow I have really neglected posting in forever. I think it totally has to do with the fact that I am back on a 12 hour shift and well Kai.

I'm working the kit room/desk..on the crazy amount of phone calls we deal with for 12 hours sucks.

The following are real calls I've had the past week..

1) A guy called to complain about the Weinersnitzel Drive thru. He was upset that so many people wait in line in the drive thru it backs traffic onto Gaffey. My answer was: "Have you ever had one of their chili cheese dogs? If so you would understand the wait in line"

2)A call transfered to the station from the 9-1-1 operator..he wanted to know what type of report he could file..he originally CALLED 9-1-1 to ask. I think I pissed him off when I asked him "what part of this question was an emergency"

3)I had a guy scream Fu*K at the top of his lungs on the phone because I couldn't run his vehicle plate without the numbers. Totally my fault he couldn't remember his own cars plate.

4)crack head female with tatood eyebrows comes into the station to complain about her loud neighbors. Her neighbors yell a lot and are skinheads..yada yada. I told her there is no crime in yelling and if she doesn't like them she can move..THEN she says, "I think one of them is a lesbian and they have kids" I respond, "Is it against the law to be a lesbian and have kids?" Answer, "YES!" My partners and I were holding in the laughter at that point. Her friend got pissed, grabbed their paperwork and stormed out of the station saying something about "fu*k the police they ain't going to do sh*t".

5) The drunk lady in rehab who calls daily to see if we can come and get well as the "please officer can you come and tell my neighbor his radio is too loud?" While the entire division is going to hell with man w/gun calls to kidnap suspect there now..they get upset that they've been waiting 2 of these days I'm going to tell them that Charles Manson is loose in Pedro and all units are looking for him...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

1st Bath

Well tonight was his first bath. Thankfully he did not pee or poo on us! We kinda got the feeling he wasn't too happy....

During bath:

After the bath:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lizzy the Lezzy 7

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Could that be any funnier? She is my new hero.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Who New?

Who new that you add this:

Plus this:

You get this:

Kai decided to be in one of his moods tonight. He was super fussy and cranky. So while I waited for Nicole to get ready I sat on the toilet (with shorts on) and turned on the blowdryer. He stopped crying. So of course I turn it off..and he cries. So I let the bastard run for 5 mins and sure enough Kai fell asleep. So now I am going on and looking for another for us and one for him!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Wow I'm a slacker! It's not like I'm working right now. I do go back to work tomorrow so that is going to be fun getting up at 5:00am. Th elittle guy is doing great..iin fact home boy slept 6 hours last night. Too bad Bandit got up at 3:00 and 5:00am. NICE.

We are getting him used to sleeping in his bassinet. Well at least for 15 mins at a time. The rest of the time he is still sleeping on Nicole's chest.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1 Week Old

Today Kai is 1 week old. In the past week we have slept an average of 4 hours a day, changed a million diapers. Thankfully I have not been peed on..yet. He did get close today. His umbilical cord is coming close to falling off.

Here are a couple of pics from today:

Monday, July 16, 2007

All I can say is Wow

Night number three sucked ass. He refused to sleep in his bassinett. We tried everything..well almost everything..the only thing we didn't try was letting him nurse on my chest. But at 2:00am you try anything. We fricken drove him around town at 1:30am. Finally at 2:30 we gave up and let him sleep on Nicoles chest in the chair. We put a TON of pillows around both of them..and sure enough the "Little Pooper" fricken slept for 3 hours. Nicole nursed him when he woke up and then he slept for another 3 hours..he did this three times. So needless to say we are sleeping in the front room from the start.

Whenever he cries Bandit barks. It's kinda funny. I think he's telling us to "Shut that baby up, I am trying to sleep here. So far the dogs are doing great with him.

We have our one week doctors appt on Weds with a new doctor. It will be interesting to see if he figures out we are a couple. My ortho has no I have my "bestfriend" come to every appt. Thats why we loved our OBGYN, she is very gay friendly. So I would recommend her to anyone, and no I don't get a free pap smear for anyone I get to go to her.

I only have one more week off of work, but they put me on the day shift 6:30am-6:30pm in the kit room. So all I do is hand out equipment for 4 weeks..and work 13 days out of 28. You can't beat that.

PS. I admit I watched the Victoria Beckham special tonight..and it was funny. Maybe I'm partial because we are country mates...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Me so Tired

Okay night number two down and we actually got about 4 hours sleep. Yes. I cannot believe we are happy for that. We are going to try to nap every time he naps. Thats hard because when he naps we are usually running around trying to get things done. It's crazy that he is only 4 days old but we can already notice a difference in his looks and personality.

****Warning disturbing photo ahead***********************

No that is not a photo from work, or from the Anna Nicole Smith Autopsy. Thats the placenta. That was his home for the past 10 months. We might try to flip that placenta and sell for a profit.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Name the Word

What is 5 letters and sounds like creep? If you guessed sleep you win! Seems like our little man is on a watch 3 schedule (PM watch). He loves to stay awake all night. The little guy has been sleeping from 3:30pm until now..7:15pm! So we now the guy can do 4 hours. Why can't those 4 hours be when it's dark?

We'll see how tonight goes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kai Zackery Rolland-Engel

He made it! 2:23pm pst, 7 lbs 15 oz and 22 inches in length. Both Nicole and the little guy are doing great...we'll he is. Nicole is tossing her cookies as we speak. I need to get back to the hospital..but here is a little photo of our guy a few mins old. I will give the birth story later....

Stand By

It might be time. Nicole woke up at 0130 with her first contraction. It's now 0445 and we are heading to the hospital. The contractions got as close as 5 mins, but are averaging 15 mins or so. Nicole has already told me she is going to be puking...nice. Thats what I want to hear.

More to follow!


Monday, July 9, 2007

Nada, Zip Zero

Nothing...absolutely nothing. I am getting a ton of calls from everyone asking me if he is here. Nope!

Tomorrow Nicole has a follow up visit. At this point I think they are going to send her for an ultrasound. I remind her everyday that everyday he is in there, thats another day he has to get bigger. The bigger he is the bigger the exit door needs to be.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Zero Days

Well here we are day 0. Still nothing. No sign of a contraction or water leakage. At this point I think the only pains she is having are gas pains. I never knew someone could be dialated for so long yet not have a baby. I keep telling him to head towards the light. I have been telling Nicole that I swear she is going to call me at work to tell me she is labor. The same feeling I had knowing we were having a boy. So we will have to wait and see.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

1 day.

Tomorrow is what we think is his due date. I cannot believe his ass is still not out. I swear he is going to come out talking at this point. I think Nicole thinks tonight is going to be the night it starts. As long as he doesn't come this Friday. It's Friday the 13th. I had her bouncing on an excercise ball today. That was a site.

I had a LONG week at work. It didn't help that I worked 18 hours on 4th of July. I guess thats what I get when I tase someone. Never again. If you are looking for illegal fireworks for next year, befriend a long shoreman. Those guys had MAJOR firworks. I swear it looked like Disneyland that night.

So we now are really waiting. If this little guy isn't out by Tuesday we go back to see our OBGYN. Nicole does not want to this point she might not have a choice.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

3 Days???

Okay we now think he is never coming. I really want him on 7/7/7. We have yet another doctors appt. tomorrow morning. Of course I am working and wont be there.

Hopefully she goes in and she is 4cm dialated so she has to be admitted..which is the 6th. Then she is labor until 12:01am on the 7th. Works for me!

Then again our Dr. has our due date as the 9th...

Monday, July 2, 2007

6 days

Now we have 6 days until his due date and still nothing. I'm thinking 7/7/7 is going to be the lucky day.

I'm off to work...let me tell you working in the uniform with vest and belt sucks when it's this hot. Especially when we get a 9-1-1 call of: Man in a bikini. WTF?
Yes that was a real call and yes we found him. Yes he was 350 lbs wearing a speedo and told us that he used to wear a thong, but not no more. Of course he tells us: "If I had breasts none of this would be a problem" referring to nobody would call 9-1-1 for a female in a bikini. Of course I said to myself: "Sir you do have breasts, and you do need a bra"

Saturday, June 30, 2007

8 days

I cannot believe we only have 8 days until his due date. Still nothing has changed.
I really want him out by the 4th so I don't have to work in the hot sun in my uniform at the beach..checking to make sure people don't bring beer to the beach. How crappy is that?

More to follow tomorrow.

Friday, June 29, 2007


We just got back from yet another doctors appt. She was surprised to see us there. She thought for sure he would be out by now. Not much has changed, she is still 2cm dialated but is now 90% effaced. So it is really going to be any day now. She did manipulate her cervix this time to try to speed things up. That was realy nice to watch.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

38 weeks and 2 days

Still no changes. Here is a shot of her belly..ready to explode.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saturday Update

Nicole is now 2cm and 80% we are still waiting!

Off to go night night. I am on day 4 of 7 tomorrow and I have to get up at 0530...

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Tomorrow is yet another doctors appt. So I will have a better update tomorrow night. I'm really hoping he doesn't come out until next Thurs. I am working 7 days in row! That is horrible for my job. God bless the LAPD.

Today wasn't too bad. I missed out on the guy who cut his penis to is rectum on purpose because he had erectile dysfunction. Needless to say that when you cut a femoral artery you die really quick. Gee I am sure glad I like women.


Saturday, June 16, 2007


I think Maggie and Bandit are feeling left off of this blog thing. So I dedicate this one to the four legged people in my life.

Tunnel Time!