Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Tomorrow we are taking Kai to teh Aguariu.m of the Pacifi.c! Not only are we taking him but we are meeting out friend Kelly and her twin girls who are 18 months, her son who is 4 and also 3 of her neices who are 6 8 and 10 ( I think) so yes the kids will out number the adults 2 to 1. Time for my command presence to step up! After the earthquake today we can all use a break...yeah I am scared of Earthquakes...but not nearly as bad as bugs!

We'll make sure to take plenty of pictures..and hopefully Kai wont try to drink the stingray water!

Speaking of Kai, the little man is a walking machine! He does not stop. It's crazy to think that he was barely walking 2 weeks ago and now he is all over the place...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Pressure what pressure?

So everyone asks me, "Are you going to make Kai play soccer?" My answer is of course I am! JK..if he wants to play then great! If not well hopefully he'll choose something he loves and sticks with it...but if this video is any indication of what we have to come..we are fine..

First kicks at 1 year and 2 weeks old!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Walking Man

Kai decided being one means that you should be walking. He started take a few steps right before his birthday and now he cruises the house...in fact today he walked around the house while drinking a drink..he is very talented. He's also began to point and we do know that he has some words..nana for banana..doggie, still on DADA..he knows his toes, feet AND another body part..which I'm sure him being a boy you can guess.

He's also become a music freak..I'll get a video of that tomorrow..he bounces his head to certain songs! Just like Mommy..

Today he started to point at things like the plane and my nose..he's also kicking ass on night night time. We read, give him a bottle then say "night night" and he's grab his paci lay on his blankie and fall asleep! He also sleeps from 800pm until 7:00 or 8:00am! Who is this kid?


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Party Time

Here are some pics from his first birthday party!

These two are from daycare:

Kai with Mommy

Before and after cake:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeling Better

Kai is feeling better! It seemed to be a 24 hour stomach flu..so thankfully he is back to being the crazy little man he is. Yesterday he decided that why crawl when you can walk and took about 6 steps. We are trying to get ready for the big party this Saturday..we have food ordered, bouncy ordered and decorations bought. That leaves us Friday with getting all the drinks at Costco..Katherine and Emily came by to help us get things ready for the party and to hang out with Kai..Katherine found out the hard way that Kai can wiggle out of a hold as seen by this picture:

He obviously got over it and recovered in time to put his charm on them

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Birthday Boy

Well today was the big day that Kai turned 1! We had everything planned..meet at his daycare with treats for the kids..pizza for lunch..YUMMY. It never happened...yesterday we attempted to get his 1 year photos in the morning..he was super clingy so that didn't work out. At the end of lunch he threw up..like a big boy throw up. We had his one year doctor's appointment scheduled so we went there and he was fine..he weighs a little over 21 lbs and is 30.5 inches long..we decided that only 1 shot was a good idea due to him not feeling too great. He threw up again after dinner..so pedialyte it was before bedtime.

He woke up today super lethargic and extremely clingy..so he spent almost the entire day drinking pedialyte and sleeping on his mommies. Thankfully he started to feel better near dinner time..so his birthday dinner was a banana. PATHETIC..at least he didn't throw it up.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Kai's Wish List

Everyone has been asking me what Kai wants for his birthday. I've thought long and hard and here is a list:

Dog Bowl


Sock Drawer

A real cell phone

Other ideas in no order: Tupperware drawer, any closet door, any glass door, door knobs, an air filter box and last but not least a drawer full of mommies underwear. These are all Kai's favorite things....

Crazy Work Week

I had the craziest work week the last 5 days. Working the 4th of July wasn't too bad. I worked the command post at the beach which was two coves away from all the beach peeps. I ended up working only an hour and half overtime..which is 8 hours less than the OT I worked last year so I'll take that. So in the last 3 days I have dealt with too many drunk ladies. On Saturday my partner and I almost got into a use of force with a drunk mom who kept crying for her daddy..she got transported to a hospital because she was too drunk to care for herself..her dad gets there takes her outside to put her in the car and she takes off running down the street!
This all happened on Sunday:

1055-Animal Cruelty Call of man slamming cat into ground (it was a man scolding his cat)

1130-Additional Unit request-Unit needed another unit to help with a suspect who was holding her 5 week old. She refused to give anyone the baby so we could cuff her..she ended up cuffed and I hung out with the little one until we could get the stories straight.

1230-Domestic Battery-neighbors hear screaming from apartment..two girls arguing only

1300 Domestic Battery Call- a passerby saw a man push a woman into an apartment.. I guess the dad wasn't happy that when the mom of the infant (9 days old )was in the shower her sister in law breast fed her (SIL has a 2 1/2 month old daughter)..I know gross...

1430-Ambulance overdose call-Two 23 year old girls OD. One on prescription meds the other one on Heroin and Xanax. Both transported to a local hospital and survive.

1530-Found Child -11 year old found a 3 year old. We get to the location and drive around and around the block..unable to locate either child. Dispatch does a call back, unable to contact..bad number..thats all we can do..

1630 We get to eat for 45 mins

1830-ADW suspect there now-we back another unit to a call with a man with a knife at house. It ends up being a dispute only..with no knife..

1900-Cite 2 people for tickets en route to Station..


and I wonder why I am mentally drained after work?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Holiday Weekend

Well I am back to work tomorrow after being off of work for a week due to the accident. I'm feeling much better with only a little soreness left over. I have a super long week working Wed-Sun..including the 4th of July.which is always a pleasure when EVERYONE feels the need to call 911 when they hear a firework going off. I might be working down a the beach at the command post..Kai and Nicole have a party to go to..I'm totally jealous!!! Hopefully I can meet them after I get off of work.