Monday, January 26, 2009


Today in the mail there was a letter from Matel..90% of the time I throw them away..but for some odd reason I opened it and thankfully I did. Kai's pack and play has been I had to cut the sides away and mail it back to them in order to get a $100 check. The bottom line is to order and not Fisher-Pric.e...

Of course I have to work Superbowl Sunday..I swear I get the worst days off..hopefully something fun will happen to make the day go faster...

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So today we had a task force at work. We tried to take photos but sometimes the peeps aren't into it..the guy on the left at one point took his shoes off and began to pick at his baby toe..he's a transient with no socks so you can imagine how bad and disgusting that was!

The is by far the best photo of a coworker!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Ok so it's been a while. Work is out of control...thanks for all the jack asses calling in on a Sunday because they can't deal with normal shit themsleves. Handled the please make the construction in the apartment above me husband took our car keys and wont give them back..and the best one was yesterday..she called 911 to tell me her boyfriend took her purse..thats ok they both went to jail for domestic battery AND culitvation of marijuana..seems like calling the police to handle your problems is not a good idea when you are growing weed in your living room! I totally nailed them...