Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 day 1 radio call

Yesterday was one of the craziest days at work. It consisted of one radio call and one hell of a long day.

1000-1020-Roll Call
1020-1030-Load and Inspect Shop and log on.
1030-ADW Shots Fired Man down radio call...we back the unit (basically we are secondary unit on call)
1033-Arrive at scene
1033-Witness man shot 3 times, one to the chest, one to the stomach and one to the groin
1038-Vict loaded onto RA (ambulance), grabbed his ID for 3 secs to find out who he is
Fire Capt tells us he isn't going to make it. He later dies upon arrival.
1038-1115-Set up crime scene tape, get crime scene log going, canvas area.
1115-1130-Run to restroom
1130-arrive back at scene and told to follow up to where possible suspect is.
1135-Arrive at next location, set up perimeter
1145-assist UPR (Urban Police Rifle) officer with getting into position
1150-1500-Sat on roof, baking my ass off in full uniform waiting for SWAT
1500-SWAT arrives and we have to head to command post to debrief SWAT Sgt on what we observed.
1515-Arrive at command post debrief then finally get water
1530-Arrive back with our partners
1531-told to report back to command post
1545-arrive back at command post, supervisor looks at me and realizes I am dehydrated
1545-1700-wait for someone from the station to pick me up
1700-picked up and taken to station, finally eat my lunch I brought that was at the station.
1700-2030-work the front desk and answer about 50 phone calls about the helicopters and why people aren't allowed back inside their home.
2030-head home
2130-Suspect found in a garage to the rear of the house four doors to the right of the target location (all it took was tear gas and canine's up his ass)

This is were we were looking at the target location. If you look over his shoulder you can see the house his parents lived at. Somehow he was able to hop the fences and get to a house that is to the right of us. Thankfully if he came out we would have seen him from where we were:

So after all that the murder suspect was arrested. All thanks to my divisions team work!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well work has been super busy...with the economy so crappy right now people are out of control..and the rain, why do people insist on driving 50 mph on rain slicked streets in the rain?

This first picture is from my best friend on the job..she obs'd the suspect on a felony vandalism in the park and thought hell why not drive right up to her and pick her up..well they did that and then got the shop stuck! Good times there...it was all good in the end..the car was freed and the nut job went to jail!!!

Okay so last week my partner Neil and I got a call of, "female mental stuck in room with possible broken leg" WTF? We look at the address on the computer and it's one of those "apartments" that have community restrooms..yes in this day and age people still live in those kinds of places...

When we arrive at scene we see the fire department outside placing the ladder to get into a window..odd...seems like they couldn't get the door open..so the fireman gets up to the second story window..opens it and takes this HUGE gasp of air..I guess it smelled horrible...my immediate thought is.."please god don't let her be dead."

We head inside to see whats going on...i guess there was so much trash she couldn't open the door..the firemen had to take it off it's hinges from the inside..seriously whats up with that? Well when we get near the door we kept getting this whiffs of ass..it was seriously making me dry heave..eventually they get the door open and what do I see???? Hundreds of pine.sol bottles and most of them were not filled with pine.sol if you know what I mean..and hundred and hundred of plastic bags filled with random shit..and yes some filled with shit..NASTY

If you look close you can see the fireman standing on the trash getting her ready to be taken out of the room:

Seriously look how high the trash is!

She was transported to a local hospital and really didn't have any physical issues..now the mental issues is a whole other ball game...