Saturday, April 26, 2008

We are morons

Ok Nicole and I are morons. First outdoor project we did ourselves was build the pond...where the palm tree used to be and on a weekend that is was 95 degrees, but we finished it:

So today we start on the backyard...the only part of house that looks like crap. Nicole got to it before I could take a before picture..but let me tell you it was HOT AS HELL! OMG we are morons. Bottom line is we got both corners cleaned up of all grass, the plastic divider and got the soil ready to well as going to the the park with my mom and Kai..of course Nicole has 2 blisters opened and gooey, about 4 "hot spots" on the other hand. I only have 1 blister, because I must have "man hands."

Why do all this on a hot weekend? We put the house on the market!! So if you know anyone looking for a house in Long Beach here you go:

According to one website I burned almost 1500 calories with all the yard work that was done today and I was able to drink about 8 diet cokes without peeing once..i'm sure thats really good for my system.

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