Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Work Morons

OK so today was day 2 of 6. Yes you heard me I am working 6 days in a row due to the big move coming up in a couple of weeks. The 6 day stretch includes court tomorrow which makes my day go from 0800 until 2100..13 hours! So I'm trying to get through these 6 days knowing I'll have a good amount of days off soon.

So today at 1130 we get a call of a battery..the victim is drunk..at 1130 not only is she drunk she tells us her boyfriend punched her vagina 12 times. Seriously I don't make this up.

1 comment:

Boten Anna said...

Hey this is Thomas, Emily's bf. :D Thanks for inviting us over, and for the in-n-out, it was fun and I was happy to get to meet the 2 girls, 2 dogs, and baby in question XD

Today I set up on my blog a bunch of stuff about all the California propositions; since a couple of them have to do with law enforcement and I'm not sure of all the ramifications for all of them I'd love to have you chime in. :) http://spacekimchi.com is the blog, and if I got anything wrong (or right!) on the "law and order" props I'd like to know!