Monday, May 19, 2008

Hot Weekend

Wow was it a hot weekend or what? We had a great time with Kai. Friday night after Nicole got of of work we went to REI, dinner then to Babies R Us. We bought Kai a ton of things including a walker which he loves and screams every time he walks with it. On Saturday we went around looking at open houses and he was great..then we went to a friends house for a bbq and Kai went in the pool and freaked every time Scott went under the water. There was another toddler there a few months older than Kai and they played really well together. When he started to cry Kai went over to him to try to make him didn't work but at least he tried. On Sunday Nicole went to soccer and I stayed home with Kai. It was too hot for him to be out there at the field for a few hours. We went to lunch then came home and he fell asleep in his high chair when I was feeding him lunch. Then we went and got Kai something to play on in this heat. He wasn't too excited at first but then he finally got into it:

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