Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Work Work Work

Wow work has been super busy. Within 7 days my partner and I dealt with an 8 year old girl being kidnapped from school and a bomb threat at Home Depot. Why do people get pissed when you come on the PA and announce, "Attention Home Depot customers this is the Los Angeles Police Department, please evacuate the store immediately".

What I should have said was "You depot workers and shoppers, possible bomb in store, run your ass outta here!" It all worked out in the end...

We had another fatality at work of a child. A four year old was pushing her two year old sister in a stroller and was hit by a car. The two year old passed at scene. I'm not sure how close the parents were, but serisouly whats up with that?

Bottom line is slow down to the speed limit and be a defensive driver.

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