Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Moving Day

Tomorrow my mom is moving back to England..I don't know why I am so sad...she has always been there for me..from video taping all my DH games instead of just enjoying them asking me if I needed a turkey baster when I told her I was gay. She has been the one person I have been able to count on my entire life. Of course I would want her to stay here..but how selfish of me? I could only hope that I can be as happy as her when I am her age. We all know that her heart as always been in England and that she has always wanted to go back...I know that not only will I miss seeing her but Kai is going to miss his funny speaking nana as well. I love you mom...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss and love you all too
.... your Mum [Nana]